The "little people" were seriously as easy as pie! Just get some wooden spools and balls at your local craft store. Grab some of your decorative scrapbooking paper - all you need is a teency strip. Paint the spool, let it dry, cover with modge podge, put scrapbook paper on top, modge podge over it, and let it dry. Paint the heads however you want, glue everything together, and spray with a finishing spray. Then you can add ribbons or whatever else you want! Seriously, a way easy and super fun project!

How CUTE are those?? And I love the pumpkins!
I just "bloghopped" to your blog by accident, but I love it. After I saw your crafts, I had to make some of those pumpkins. they are too cute. I also bought some of the spools and dollheads so I can make some of those precious little dolls. Thanks for all the great ideas.
holly thank you for your great ideas, i have made both and posted pics on my blog. of course yours look more polished and professional, but overall i am happy with the dolls and pumpkins. how did you get the hair so perfect on your dolls? and your pumpkins so round?
I love the pink frames above the dresser! Did you make those? Where did you get them?
so cute!! BTW love your blog!! Glad I ran into it!
What a cute idea!! I'm going to make these for my nieces for Christmas. I can only find 3/4" spools though and yours appear larger. Do you know the length of the spools that you used?
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